Kristen and Nick


Hello there! We are Nick and Kristen!

We can only imagine the emotions that you are facing and know that this may be a confusing and difficult time for you. The decisions you are making each day for you and for your child are courageous and are not for the faint of heart. You are admirable, truly. There is a strength in you that rises above your circumstances. God sees your heart and loves you. He loved you even before you were born. He has a good plan for your life even though it may be hard to see at times. We want you to know that we are in your corner and are praying for you and for the precious life inside of you. If chosen, we will love your precious child with every ounce of our being and care for him/her to the best of our abilities. We look forward to seeing how your child will grow and become an integral part of society!


About Us

We’ve been married for six and a half years. Jesus is at the center of our marriage.

We love that we are each other's best friends and we share every aspect of our lives together. We keep our line of communication open by remembering to date each other and encourage each other towards what is good. We prioritize prayer in our marriage and seek to live our lives in a way that brings glory to God. We love walks outside in the beauty of God’s creation! We love hiking, camping, paddle boarding, running, days at the lake, and being in the mountains. We also enjoy sitting on the porch and watching hummingbirds, going to coffee shops, trying a new restaurant and making breakfast and pizza together. These hobbies allow us to be together or get away, and when needed, to work out conflicts we have without distractions. We also love sharing these times with good friends and family. Those relationships help strengthen our marriage and help keep us accountable.


Home and Family

We live in a safe, gated military neighborhood.

Our home has four bedrooms and two and half bathrooms. We have a backyard with a few acres into the woods before you reach the street on the other side of the neighborhood. We also have a neighborhood playground literally next door to our house. We enjoy reading and spending time together in our front room library or on the front porch while we watch the sunrise and hummingbirds. We love taking walks through a small trail in the back of our neighborhood. Every Sunday night we make pizza, watch a movie, and cuddle on the couch. We look forward to cozy memories like this being made with our child as well! On Saturday mornings we prefer to take it slow, read and drink specialty made coffee and go for a long walk or hike. We love paddle boarding at the lake on weekends in the summer.


Interesting Facts


  • does a pancake catching competition with all of our nieces and nephews

  • loves reading 

  • jumps out of airplanes as part of his job

  • loves symphonies


  • loves baking bread

  • loves gardening 

  • loves creating spaces of beauty and peace

  • lived in Thailand for 4 years

Family Values

  • Love - loving God and loving people

  • Courage - trusting God and stepping outside of our comfort zone

  • Truth - God's word gives us the truth we need to live each day in a loving and courageous way 

  • Celebration - creating fun memories and celebrating special days whenever we can

There is hardship in everything, except in eating pancakes.
— Charles Spurgeon

Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us! We look forward to meeting our future child! Our promise to you is that we will pray for this child everyday of our lives and spend everyday loving them beyond measure. We will raise them to know and love the Lord and to walk in His ways by loving God and loving our neighbors. We will provide a place of safety and security for this child and help them to grow to become all that they were created to be. You as this child's birth mom will always be honored and loved by us.

We can't wait to welcome this precious child into our family! 


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